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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Misc Graphics Tools

Digital Physiognomy 1.78
23.01.2011, 21:20
Digital Physiognomy is an entertaining psychological profiling software application that determines person's character and traits based on facial features. Like any other psychological profiling software, Digital Physiognomy provides a generic portrait of a person and tells what person's inclinations, preferences, likes and dislikes may be. The program was created for pure entertainment purposes. Among the characteristics it evaluates are Temper, Intellect, Self-Esteem, Sense of Humor, Level of Optimism, Will Power, even Luck. Importantly, the program does not require a photograph of a person. It uses a technique analogous to police sketches (sometimes called photo robot). The user simply chooses among eyes, noses, ear lobes, chins, eye-brows, cheekbones, foreheads, and other parts of a human face to create a sketch that closely resembles a person. To check program's accuracy, it is recommended to create a self-portrait first. The application comes with a set of more than 500 faces that belong to famous people - Churchill, Mao, Tom Hanks, Einstein, Chaplin, Stalin and some others. If you are interested in people's faces, you will enjoy Digital Physiognomy, the software for curious people! This is both entertaining and enlightening. You gain accurate insight into the true nature of famous people.

Category: Misc Graphics Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 83 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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