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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Misc Graphics Tools

DreamFusion 2009.02.01
23.01.2011, 21:41
DreamFusion is a software system for image fusion. Image fusion is the process of combining relevant information in two or more images of a scene into a single highly informative image. Depending on what is considered relevant information, the images can be combined differently.

This image fusion software reads in a set of images and combines them into a single highly informative image. The formats and save the fused image in various formats, including jpg, gif, png, bmp, and pgm.

So, what can DreamFusion do?
- Exposure blending; without halos or "unnatural" contrast or grunge.
- Noise reduction; by combining multiple high-ISO shots of the same exposure
- Focus blending; by taking the best focused areas from multiple shallow DOF shots

Category: Misc Graphics Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 86 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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