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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Misc Graphics Tools

DreamFusionPro 2009.02.01
23.01.2011, 21:41
DreamFusion is a software system for image fusion. Image fusion is the process of combining relevant information in two or more images of a scene into a single highly informative image. Depending on what is considered relevant information, the images can be combined differently.

This image fusion software reads in a set of images and combines them into a single highly informative image. The formats and save the fused image in various formats, including jpg, gif, png, bmp, and pgm.

So, what can DreamFusion do?
- Exposure blending; without halos or "unnatural" contrast or grunge.
- Noise reduction; by combining multiple high-ISO shots of the same exposure
- Focus blending; by taking the best focused areas from multiple shallow DOF shots

DreamFusion DreamFusionPro

DreamFusion DreamFusionPro are almost the same except,
DreamFusion fusions the images without alignment. So the images must be taken at the same position with tripod.

DreamFusionPro will do automatic image alignment before fustion. So image can be taken without tripod.

Category: Misc Graphics Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 83 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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