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MAGIX Rescue your Data 1
24.01.2011, 04:18
MAGIX Rescue Your Data - Easy reliable data backups

We store a lot of our personal information and important documents on our notebook computers. However, computer viruses, hard drive failure and accidents pose a constant threat to this irreplaceable data. According to independent market research, more than 67 percent of all PC users have lost important data before.

With MAGIX Rescue Your Data you can protect your emails, letters, photos, movies and music from permanent loss.

MAGIX Rescue Your Data automatically creates a full backup of your system files, applications and file hierarchy on a storage medium of your choice, including options and services that allow users to create secure backups online. Simply connect the external hard drive and run a full backup. After that, only new or changed data will be backed up at regular intervals.

Data backups - System backups - Recovery

Day-to-day dangers
What's on your notebook computer?

- Photos of family and friends?
- Vacation videos or Internet movies?
- Your favorite music?
- Emails, online tickets or invoices?
- Letters or applications?

Day-to-day dangers pose a constant threat to your data:

Hardware damage:
- Internal hard drive failure (due to mechanical wear, for example)
- Complete computer failure (due to overvoltage or overheating, for example)

- Liquid gets into the computer case (because you spilled a drink, for example)
- Your notebook computer falls off the table or slips from your lap

- Your notebook is stolen with/from your luggage
- Your PC is stolen in a burglary

- Computer viruses that delete your files (or format your hard drive)

Be prepared for these situations before it's too late ? Rescue Your Data!

Category: Misc Graphics Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 73 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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