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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Misc Graphics Tools

MITCalc - Bevel Gear Calculation 1.15
24.01.2011, 05:02
Geometric design and strength check of bevel gear with with straight, helical and curved toothing. Application is
developed in MS Excel, is multi-language and supports Imperial and Metric units and solves the following main
- Calculation of straight, helical and curved toothing.
- Automatic design of a transmission with the minimum number of input requirements.
- Design for entered coefficients of safety (static, dynamic).
- Calculation of complete geometric parameters (including corrected toothing).
- Calculation of strength parameters, safety check.
- Supplementary calculations (calculation of parameters of the existing gear, temperature rise, design of shafts)
- Optimization of parameters (dimensions, weight, volume, transmission ratio)
- Support of 2D CAD (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, IntelliCAD, Ashlar Graphite, TurboCAD) and 3D CAD in full
calculation package (Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Pro/E).
The calculations use procedures, algorithms and data from standards ANSI, ISO, DIN, BS and specialized literature.
Used standards: DIN 3971, DIN 3991 Kegelradern 1-4, ISO 6336 1-3, DIN 3965 Toleranzen fur
Kegelradverzahnungen 1-4, ISO 1328, DIN 3990, ANSI B6.1-1968, AGMA 2001-C95, AGMA 908-B89/95, AGMA
2003-A86/88, AGMA 2005-B88 and others.This module is a part of MITCalc - Mechanical and Technical
Calculation Package for gear, belt and chain drives, bearings, springs, beam, shaft, bolt connection, shaft
connection, tolerances and many others

Category: Misc Graphics Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 63 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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