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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Misc Graphics Tools

Mosaic Deluxe 2.3
24.01.2011, 05:15
With the software Mosaic Deluxe, you can build-Mosaics from numerical images. It prints the tile laying plan for the building of the mosaic. You can use square, round, hexagonal, triangle or scale tiles. You can create-Mosaics for bathroom, table-top, swimming pools, fountains, jacuzzi, gardens.
An e-Mosaic can be created tile by tile, or from an existing image. A computer image is made of pixels of different colors. In the same way, a mosaic is made of tiles of different colors. However e-Mosaics have a lower resolution (spatial resolution or number of colors) than most of the existing computer images. In order to diminish these two kinds of resolutions, image processing functions are available. The Fusion processing diminish the spatial resolution of an image. In a computer image, pixels may have a lot of colors, but the tiles for a given manufacturer have a palette from 20 to 50 colors. The color reduction processing diminish the number of colors of the image. Half-stone tilescan be created. A mosaic of a text can be realized easily. Non rectangular mosaics (like mirrors or grounds) can be constructed. You can also make color blendings of tiles.
You can order for real mosaics by sending them with the software.

Category: Misc Graphics Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 70 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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