NC Editor is a Numerical Control (.NC) file viewing, editing and printing application. CNC Machines worldwide use Numeric Control files (.nc or .ncc) to convert programmed instructions to tool movement. NC programs consist of a sequence of codes with parameter data to arrive at a precise description of the tool path. But the best of NC programmers also can make mistakes. NC Editor renders a 3D image of your NC program to let you verify that everything is how you planned it to be. NC Editor has been designed keeping CNC programmers in mind. Below are some of the features incorporated in this incredible editor:Opens and works with multiple NC files simultaneously.Animation/Backplot capability.Imports NC commands from any text filePrint and Print Preview capabilities.Undo operations.Support for clipboard operations.Automatic E-mailing of NC files.Rotate, Zoom and Pan the drawing with the mouse.Predefined Axis and Isometric viewsPerspective and Orthographic projection.Global and per file configuration.Context-sensitive help system.