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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Misc Sound Tools

Ashampoo AudioCD MP3 Studio ( Edition) 2.36
23.01.2011, 10:38
Create and manage compressed music archives and write them directly to CD. This tool makes it really easy to create your own private audio CD library. You can read tracks from audio CDs and store them in a space-saving compressed WAV format (up to 1:4) on your hard disk or removable media. You can then create playlists of your favorite tracks, including normal and compressed WAV files and MP3 files, and record them all directly to audio CDs you can play on your stereo system. The intelligent 1:4 WAV compression algorithm supported by the program produces absolutely no audible quality loss. And the program's support for the popular MP3 format gives you access to literally thousands of tracks distributed freely on the Internet by many musicians.

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Category: Misc Sound Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 222 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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