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Main » Files » Shell and Desktop » Desktop Window Managers

WinArranger Free 1.10 beta
30.01.2011, 19:29
Although monitors and video cards are becoming cheaper every day, it is still not enough space on the screen for those people who intensively use computer in their everyday work, such as engineers, financial brokers, software developers, etc. Do they need to buy another monitor? No, there is WinArranger - a simpler solution.

WinArranger helps you to use your workspace more effectively by arranging windows on your computer screen in the most optimal way. It can even hide windows borders and captions and system taskbar. Multi-monitor configurations are fully supported.

Its low system requirements make it possible to use it in your office as well as at home. Moreover, it has neat and straightforward interface, customizable hotkeys and features unique layouts which can not be accomplished by the standard means.

Key Features:
- Hiding of window borders and captions
- Customizable number of windows per each monitor
- Customizable layout for each screen configuration
- Three modes for window ordering: manual, by process, by title
- Hotkey shortcuts for quick operation
- Rules for the flexible management of windows to be arranged

Category: Desktop Window Managers | Added by: File-Post
Views: 137 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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