Create instant Screensavers. Included are 29 pre-created screensavers of every major Holiday, 68 images and audio files, and 11 plug-ins. Plug-ins include the Photo Album, Movie and Audio player, Fireworks, Snow, Rain, Lightning, Waves, the Animator, Glitter, Scrolling Text Messages, and the Special Effects plug-in. Simple to use, yet very flexible and powerful. The program can also produce an EXE install file of your screensaver. The Photo Album features 832 Transitions. Includes a 48 command programming language built into the Animator for the more advanced users, or the beginner may choose from over 70 pre-programmed animation motions. Supports most media formats: mpeg, mpg, avi, m1v, mp2, mpa, mpe, asf, wm, wma, wmd, wmv, mp3, wav, au, aif, aifc, aiff, midi, mid, rmi, snd, asx, wax, m3u, wpl, wvx, wmx, mov, and qt.