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Main » Files » Shell and Desktop » Wallpaper Tools

PS3 1
31.01.2011, 11:13
PS3 wallpaper. The Xbox360 (pronounced as "three-sixty") is Microsoft's replacement to its original video game console. The video game was formally launched on the MTV Channel last year, May 12, 2005, to be exact. A more detailed launch, including the presentation of the Xbox's more important information, was made later in the same month at the famous Electronic Entertainment Expo. If you compare Wii prices to the Playstation 3 that is also being released in November you will notice one very important thing. The price of the Nintendo Wii is $300 less than that of the new Playstation. That is right; you can buy two Wii units for less than one Playstation 3. With that in mind, it is going to come down to which unit the majority of gamers feel is the better value. Even though you are paying more if you buy the Playstation it does not necessarily mean that you are getting a better deal. It is safe to say that the consumer will decide on what is better over the next few months. This is especially true due to the fact that the holiday season is among us.

Category: Wallpaper Tools | Added by: File-Post
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