Operate your machine with a click-thru pet Gecko by drawing symbols with a mouse. Mojo is a floating click-through character and clock, using a patented interaction technology called Watermark Charm interaction developed at Lancaster University. Mojo features JuJu the virtual pet Gecko, Spookie the ghost and Automobubble. Control your computer with this neat little gizmo using gesture strokes. Simply draw a symbol with the mouse pointer and watch your virtual working pet do all the work for you. Mojo is click-through and so doesn't get in the way. Mojo is also accesibility software for motor and visually impaired users. Mojo provides relief from RSI injuries. Gesture interaction avoids wrist and hand tension when repetitively selecting small buttons and controls.
Mojo Supports learning of basic letter shapes and writing skills The software is designed to work alongside other gesture interaction software. Mojo Sidekick provides mouse gesture support for Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox.