Is your network free from pornography?
Until now, there are no viable technical solutions available for pornography blocking at the gateway. NetOptima Professional stops pornography before it enters your network. Easy to install and administer, NetOptima Professional is the right choice for any network which is connected to Internet. No software to be installed in each computer in the network.
Filter pornography before it enters your network.
NetOptima Professional key features
Blocks Pornography,
99.9 percent accurate,
Server implementation,
Domain Filter,
URL Log, Configurable Pornography filter,
Statistical filtering, P2P Blocking.
NetOptima filters all pornographic content whether it is websites, emails, blogs or community/networking websites without blocking entire website.
NetOptima is up to 99.9 percent accurate. 999 out 1000 times it will filter websites which have high probability of being pornographic.
NetOptima Pro can be installed on a server. All computers connected through the server are filtered for pornography. No software to be installed on individual computers.
Domains can be explicitly blocked/allowed using domain filter. Logs all domains visited by users. Time, IPAddress and URL. Import to Excel.
Configurable Pornography filter.
Statistical Filtering, NetOptima statistically analyses the content to determine the probability of given content being pornography. This technology, in NetOptima, clearly segregates between pornographic content and nonpornographic content. While pornographic websites are definitely blocked, the users can still view educational and news sites.
P2P Blocking,
Peer to peer is one of the sources of pornographic content. eDonkey, eMule, KaZaA, FastTrack, Gnutella, Direct Connect, BitTorrent, Extended BT, SoulSeek are blocked by NetOptima. Filter Pornography before it enters your network. NetOptima Professional is the worlds first statistical pornography filter.