# Security patches, software updates, programs and each other software-package can be installed by the user themselves without having administrator privileges.
Runasspc will start the application with other credentials than the logged-on user. The login information for the application like username and password are read from an encrypted file.
An administrator can specify, e.g. by central encrypt files, which applications have to start with admin rights.
RunasSpc is compatible with the most file endings like
exe,msi,bat,cmd,wsh,vbs, msc...
No installation procedure for RunasSpc.
# Many users are working under administrator account, because some programs are missing administrator rights to run correctly.
With runasspc a standard user has not to login as administrator to run this applications.
# You want to instruct someone to configure a computer, but you cannot give him the administrator account information because you use it also on other systems?
With runasspc and an encrypted file crypt.spc which starts the computer console (compmgmt.msc) or a filemanager (like wincommander) based on administrator account you can give him full access to this computer.