Snapped is a computer surveillance utility that allowsyou to record and view what your computer is beingused for. Snapped can capture the image of thecurrently active window or the entire screen and saveit to disk so that it can be viewed later also knownas Cached Monitoring or in a networking environmentwith the Real-Time Monitoring feature you can view thescreen of another computer on yours. The same Snappedexecutable serves the purpose of both client andserver. There is hardly any performance overheadbecause Snapped uses a shared network folder tocapture and display screen images instead of streamingdata across the network thru protocols such as TCP/IPwhich slows down network connections specially if youwant to monitor several computers at once. Snapped hasalso the ability to run in stealth mode so thatordinary users are unaware that the program is runningto monitor their activities.