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Main » Files » Utilities » Access Control Utilities

Stealth Keyboard Interceptor Pro 4.0
01.02.2011, 23:00
Need to monitor someones activity on a computer? Stealth Keyboard Interceptor is a 32-bit utility that runs in the background, intercepting keystrokes and saving them in a text-based .log file. You wont see it on the task list, task bar, or system-tray area. (However, it does show up in the Close Program box.) Stealth Keyboard Interceptor operates silently, without any messages. Along with capturing keystrokes, the program keeps the names of running tasks, maintains the names of opened windows, and records the time and datewhen the computer is turned on and shut down. Several options are provided. In the registered version, you can encrypt its output file. Stealth Keyboard Interceptor could be useful for system administrators, for parents who want to monitor the computer activity of their children, or for anyone who wants to protect their hard work on a computer.

Category: Access Control Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 67 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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