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Win Clear (erase Windows history) 2.88
02.02.2011, 01:20
Clear PC and Internet history with Win Clear. Protect your privacy by cleaning up all tracks of your Internet and PC activity.

Windows and other software programs store history about the different activities that you have performed on your computer and on the Internet. This information is stored in the system areas of your hard disk and the built-in Windows functions like 'Clear History' offer little protection as they can only partially delete this data. Anyone can take a look at your history and find out what you have been doing on your computer, and this raises serious privacy concerns.

Top reasons to erase your Internet History:

-Information about all the sites that you visited is stored on your computer. Simply clicking on delete Internet -Temp Files, History or Cookies will not protect your privacy.

-Every image that you have ever viewed, sent or received over the Internet is stored on your hard drive. Be it personal pictures or confidential business charts, these can be accessed by any snooper.

-There is a record of every program that you have ever downloaded or used on your hard drive. What you use on your computer should be your business and nobody else's.

-The windows "delete" button and the "empty recycle bin" option does NOT delete your files. This just makes it easy for prying eyes to gain access to your sensitive data.

Improve the speed of your PC and free valuable space by cleaning your computer's history files. Download Win Clear software right now.

Category: Access Control Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 71 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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