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Main » Files » Utilities » Anti-Virus Utilities

Anti-Trojan 5.5.408
31.01.2011, 15:22
Anti-Trojan is a fast and reliable trojan remover which detects and deletes trojan horses using a portscan, registry- and diskscan. This grants a very good detection rate of trojan horses. Use the portscan to find open ports on your PC. This method doesn't yet delete any trojan. The registry-scan is a highspeed scan for autorun-entries. It scans the system registry by using known trojan filenames. If a trojan is identified by the registry-scan, it will be removed from disk. The diskscan also removes unwanted trojan files from your harddisks. This is the most important search method. You can select wheter you want to scan whole drives or specified folders. Anti-Trojan also scans within packed files (archives). Known file formats are: ARC, ARK, ARJ, CAB, DWC, PAK, ?Q?, GZ, LBR, LHA, LZH, RAR, SFX, TAR, TAZ, TGZ, Z, ZIP and ZOO. This scan may take a while. As approximate value we scanned 20 gigabytes in about 30 minutes (approx. 170,000 files). After the trojan-search there can be made a HTML report for printing. Actually Anti-Trojan includes more than 9000 trojan signatures. Free online updates are available. The background-guard watches for active trojans while you are working on your PC. An additional feature is the process-viewer plugin for viewing and terminating active tasks. Anti-Trojan comes with 22 language packs: English, German, French, Albanian, Chinese (BG), Chinese (BIG5), Danish, Dutch, Dutch2, German2, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Polish2, Portuguese (Brazil), Serbocroatian, Slovak, Slovenski, Spanish, Swedish, Swedish2 and Turkish. You can test the trial-version with full functionality for 14 days. Subscribe to the Anti-Trojan newsletter to get a message when a new version has been published.

Category: Anti-Virus Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 112 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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