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Main » Files » Utilities » Anti-Virus Utilities

Norman Security Suite PRO 8.0
01.02.2011, 13:13
Norman Security Suite PRO is easy-to-use security solution features world leading technology to provide the best protection against viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, hackers and other hostile activity.
? Automatic Virus and Spyware protection recognizes, blocks, and removes unwanted programs such as viruses, worms, trojans.
? Proactive malware protection with Norman SandBox?, DNA Matching and Exploit Detection. These technologies protects against new and unknown malware.
? Protects email, instant message attachments, Internet downloads, and web browsing from malware like viruses, spyware and trojans.
?NEW! Intrusion Guard prevents unauthorized programs from taking control of your PC. The expert utility called Advanced System Reporter is an easy-to-use reporting tool helps you log, block and stay warned against any hostile activity.
?NEW! Select your own privacy level with Norman Privacy Tools. The advanced Privacy Tool application offers a secure deletion feature wiping a file 7 times with random data to guarantee safe deletion.
? IMPROVED! Antispam keeps your inbox free from unwanted junk mail..
? Parental Control protects you and your family by limiting access to specific web sites.
? IMPROVED! Advanced Firewall provides real-time protection against hackers and malicious web robots.
? Antiphishing protects you from emails leading you to give away personal information or credit card information that can be misused.
? Rootkit detection uncovers and removes hidden code utilizing stealth mechanisms.
? Protection against malware masquerading as an authorized application by utilizing a check summing technique.
? Auto-update of all modules runs silently in the background, as any new security update will automatically be downloaded and installed silently.
? Security status and activity summary gives you security health status at a glance.

Category: Anti-Virus Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 69 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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