Wordpress Poster Pro is a WordPress plugin that Automate Blog Posting. It will easily auto post to your blog,
plus submit a link to the top 30 social bookmarking sites. Instead of having a single link to each social
bookmarking website, you have a link to all of them!
When you purchase WP Poster Pro, you will also receive Socialize-It Pro. Here's where Socialize-It Pro
shines. To help prevent spamming, Socialize-It Pro will only contact a random sampling of those sites for
each article - so you never hit all the bookmarking sites with your posts all at once (a surefire way to get
BANNED). You will even decide the randomness level... Simply put - You're in Complete Control! Start
auto posting to your blog and to 30 social bookmarking sites today with the best Automate Blog Posting
tool on the net.