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Main » Files » Utilities » Automation Utilities

DShutdown 1.67
01.02.2011, 06:37
DShutdown (Dimio's Shutdown) is a stand-alone program that let you schedule the shutdown of a local or remote PC. He supports, beyond classical shutdown options, also a series of particular options relating pure shutdown (as the ForceAfterWait option, that causes a forced, but clear, shutdown), and relating monitor functions (as the option to shutdown a PC when an application terminate, useful at the end of compression of several files, or as the option to shutdown a PC when Internet traffic reduces itself under a particular value for a given amount of time, useful to shutdown a PC at the end of a download). Is also possible to intercept a shutdown request caused by the user (or by another software) and to execute the shutdown request with selected options in DShutdown (this can be useful, for example, to shutdown all LAN's PCs at the shutdown of a server).

Category: Automation Utilities | Added by: File-Post
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