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Main » Files » Utilities » Automation Utilities

Eventcorder suite 1.0
01.02.2011, 07:18
Eventcorder records and plays back Windows events. Events can be edited and optimized. It uses Clickviews - playback can continue safely even when the driven application has changed. The Clickviews can be cloned and clipped to make the playback even more robust. It has a capability to wait for a window before events are sent to it. User-defined screenshots can be made during playback - feature that can be used for testing of other application. Command line options are supported so that it can be called from *.bat file or from another application easily. Commands with a special meaning can be inserted to the recorded events. Eventcorder is also able to convert a text to events. Eventcorder can play variable parts.

E-Scripter is a scripting tool that makes use of Microsoft VBScript. Scripts written in E-Scripter can call Eventcorder to play events and use ESX-Library objects to evaluate results of the playback.

It is a collection of OLE Automation objects. They can be employed mainly for testing purposes. The objects can compare files, screenshots, etc.

Spies is a collection of tools that can help the user to work with Eventcorder suite.

Category: Automation Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 72 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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