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Main » Files » Utilities » Automation Utilities

Green Computing Shutdown Scheduler 1.2
01.02.2011, 09:07
With rising energy prices and the threat of global warming, everyone could stand to conserve energy.

Unfortunately, because of scheduled anti-virus, backup, and similar programs, many businesses and home users leave their computers on full time, paying for energy they dont really need.

Now you can save on electricity and reduce greenhouse gasses without compromising your computers scheduled processes. Just use this software to schedule a time for your computer to shut down, hibernate, or go into standby.

You can also easily prevent scheduled events from running if you know you will need your computer to be on for a longer than usual amount of time, such as for remote access during vacations.

Category: Automation Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 77 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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