Use this utility to save your company time and money. By adding one line to a users login script or running this program from a floppy, you can log tons of information about their machine. Log Info can log Hardware information, Operating System, Processor, MHz, RAM, HD size and much more! Log Info will write this information to a comma-delimited file that is perfect for importing into Excel, Access or any SQL database. With the Configuration module, it will allow you to select what information is logged and where it is logged to. Log Info works in Novell and NT server login scripts with one simple line addition. If you ever needed to inventory your department or companies machines, this utility is a must have time saver!Great utility to assist in end of the year budgeting for new equipment, gathering computer assets or simple company audits. Easy to use tool for help desks, managers, supervisors or even the president. The time you will save with this utility is immeasurable.