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Main » Files » Utilities » Automation Utilities

PopKey 1.1
01.02.2011, 18:22
PopKey is a utility for all those things you find yourself typing over and over again. Things like address, signatures in email or newsgroups, funny taglines, long server pathnames. Never type them again! Configure them into PopKey's data file and from then on, from inside any Windows application, hit a keyboard shortcut (I use CTRL-ALT-P for 'PopKey') and you will given a listing of the descriptions (so you'll know which to pick) for your items you have stord. A quick double-click and the text is automatically input into the foreground program right before your eyes.

Category: Automation Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 65 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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