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Main » Files » Utilities » File Cleanup Utilities

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2004 6.7.2
05.02.2011, 06:29
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is an easy to use suite for uninstalling applications and keeping your computer fast, clean and in it's best shape. You can uninstall programs by selecting them from a list, or by dragging and dropping a program's shortcut to the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon. The Startup Manager gives you total control over your startup programs and contains detailed information about each program (a huge database of more than 4000 applications is included). The registry cleaner, optimizer, defragmenter and backup tools can keep your registry clean, fast and speed up your computer. The Quick Cleaner wizard helps you do a one step clean-up of your computer and protects your privacy by safely deleting the Internet traces, cookies and the history records of more than 100 programs, including Microsoft Office, MSN, WinZip, Kazaa, RealPlayer, etc. You can also delete garbage and temporary files, clean up your Start Menu, uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars and plug-ins, manage your Control Panel and fonts. Many other options have been added in this new release - enjoy!

Category: File Cleanup Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 108 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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