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Main » Files » Utilities » File Cleanup Utilities

Disk space management software 2.4.1
05.02.2011, 07:36
Probably, many of you have faced such an unpleasant problem as shortage of disk space. This problem dares in the different ways. For example, purchase of a new hard disk. However we will talk about such way as analysis and optimization of disk space. It is clear that the performance of such difficult operation demands some serious software. Like Directory Size - disk space analysis software of a new generation.
Initially Directory Size from Moleskinsoft was developed as a serious analytical tool which would allow to carry out the complex analysis of disk space. The disk space analysis software was possible to reach all objects.
The work in the program is under construction by a principle of logically connected windows. In practice it means that transition from one window to another has a logic basis and is spent clockwise.
For example, if you have defined what you want to analyze (that is you have chosen a directory for the analysis) you can pass to the basic stage the chosen directory analysis. This is the following window of the disk space management software. Having received representation about current disk space usage on your PC you can visualize the given information having presented it in the form of diagrammes.
In this window (it is, by the way, in the bottom right corner) you have the opportunity of current setting of diagrammes, the choice of diagramme type (pies or bars), the choice of color scale, representation type, etc.
Besides, the disk space analysis software gives the chance to get the general representation about current disk space by means of the bottom left window. In this one you can learn how much free place disks have, what is their size, percentage shares of the received indicators, etc.
However, it is far not the full list of program possibilities.

Category: File Cleanup Utilities | Added by: File-Post
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