A hard drive certainly can be a messy place. It can be rammed full of stuff you don't need, or want. Windows applications litter your hard drive with junk that serves no purpose. This junk can cause your PC to slow down and even cause some application problems.
Erazer 99 fixes and prevents errors in Windows by finding and cleaning(deleting) error-producing and space-wasting garbage files, it also scans the registry for invalid, unusable references. Erazer 99 operates by regularly scanning your hard drive for various error producing files and then optionally cleaning them from your system for you.
Erazer 99 targets specific types of error producing files that common disk utilities, uninstall, defrag, disk-scanning, and sweep-type programs will miss, also duplicates. The error files that Erazer 99 searches for and deletes can produce hazardous results if they are not properly cleaned from your drive on a periodic basis.
Erazer 99 is a safe, fast, and thorough way of keeping your system running like new.
The Registry Analyzer/Cleaner provides a quick and dirty way to analyze and remove "hanging" file and path references in the system registry. Usually, after a couple of installations / deinstallation of software products, the registry becomes full of nagging file references pointing to where one day the files were, but not any more. Registry Analyzer will help you find and remove obsolete references.