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Main » Files » Utilities » File Cleanup Utilities

Software disk space manager 2.4.15
05.02.2011, 11:13
You can find everything in program Directory Size that is necessary for the analysis of disk space. However, not to be unfounded let's consider the program work more in detail.
As a rule, similar disk usage analysis programs have enough difficult structure which includes difficult interface, the field for options and the tool panel. The possibilities which Directory Size gives allow to do everything without such difficult interface.
The work in the software disk space manager is under construction by the principle of windows the work in which is carried out clockwise. Such windows are subordinated to the decision of uniform problem that is to receive and analyze the information on the current disk space condition. Accordingly, the problems between these windows are divided in a following order.
The first problem is to load the directory for the primary analysis of structure. This problem is spent and dares at the expense of such means as -Scan ' Scan a folder-. Thanks to this means of the disk usage analysis program the user can receive primary evident representation about a condition of the investigated directory, about the quantity of the folders included in the directory structure, and their size.
The second problem is the detailed analysis of the investigated directory (a folder, a disk). In frameworks of the decision of that problem the disk usage analysis program allows to receive more evident representation about studied directory structure including the information about structure and quantity of all folders and files, their size (both in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes, and in percentage).
The third problem is the construction of diagrammes (pies and bars) for visual information representation. Within the limits of such diagrammes the software disk space manager allows to set color scale, a background and many other things.

Category: File Cleanup Utilities | Added by: File-Post
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