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Main » Files » Utilities » File Encryption Utilities

FileBarricader 2004
05.02.2011, 08:30
FileBarricader puts up a barricade between your files and any unauthorized person, program, or entity. You encrypt your files using the latest industry standard cryptography algorithms, and only people who know the password will have access to the file. Transport the file anywhere you want, on any medium you choose, the barricade will remain up.

FileBarricader 2004 provides you with the option of using any one of four industry standard encryption algorithms to protect your files. These include RC2, DES, TripleDES (3DES) and Rijndael (AES). The different algorithms provide varying degrees of strength with RC2 being the weakest and Rijndael (AES) being the strongest.

FileBarricader also provides the ability to securely delete files. Files that are deleted with FileBarricader can be overwritten with random meaningless data for up to three times before the files are deleted, making it impossible to recover the files.

FileBarricader can also create self decrypting EXE files that you can send to anyone, anywhere! The self decrypting EXE file is an independent, encrypted file that can be used anywhere on any machine, without having FileBarricader installed.

Category: File Encryption Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 63 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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