MySafePass Editor allows you to organize and manage passwords for all your various Web accounts. It encrypts and saves your passwords in a file. MySafePass Editor lets you categorize and keep any number of different user names (IDs) and passwords and other related information, using one or more master passwords. In addition, MySafePass Editor provides notepad with encryption and password protection to keep any of your confidential textual notes safe. You can create, save and edit encrypted files as they were regular text files. MySafePass Editor uses modified 256-bit AES encryption with a key that it is generated from the password you supply while saving/opening an encrypted file. Features: 1. MySafePass Editor windows view is protected by the Screen Locker (a.k.a. screen sever), which you can optionally enable with or without a screen password and which you can set for different idle timeout values to automatically lock the screen due to inactivity; 2. MySafePass Editor supports different document types: safe password documents (files with extension .sfp) and encrypted text documents (files with extension .etx). Both types of the documents are encrypted using passwords you specify while saving documents; 3. MySafePass Editor allows you to open and work with multiple files simultaneously. ? MySafePass Editor supports standard drug and drop open functions, DDE and Shell open and print functions, as well as Shell non-flagged command line open functions.