D-Secured, is simple to use and powerful. Clean out your systems Internet trash that slows your system now, gain back your speed and protect your personal information about your internet use, delete them now. Bonus Features for you: Our innovative Password Secured File-Folder Locker function secures any type of file, pictures, letters, notes anything you want keep out of site of others. They will be password secured and totally hidden till you un-lock them. Control the use of the Internet, turn it on or off at your command and monitor where users go on-line. You get a Key Stroke Monitor to see whats typed on the keyboard in e-mails, chatrooms, instant messages, passwords and user names. Tired of worrying who might see certain things on your computer that you want kept private? Worry no more, D-Secured has a file/folder locker feature that will hide anything. Load all that you want hidden into a folder and watch the folders contents disappears like magic. Got dirty pictures? Keep them always out of site with D-Secured file/folder locker function. Hide all your things you want out of site. Lock your desktop with our screen cover feature, once activated no one can use the computer or access any feature on it. If your computer is stolen they will not be able to get access to your data. You control it with your password, who can't use more security? Keylogger, Monitoring Software, Keep Secret Private Items Hidden, Total Security, Control Internet/Computer Use Parents, also more.... We lock our homes for security, well, lock your computer the same. Do not ever leave your computer unless you have locked it. Get the Ultimate Personal Security Tools in one easy to use program. Be safe, not sorry today, lock your computer and hide private things!