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Main » Files » Utilities » File Search Utilities

GetFile 1.0
05.02.2011, 08:51
GetFile helps those who helplessly search for their Files. Often well-planned and well-laid-out File-naming-protocols and File-saving-paths seem to be senseless avocations when our memory gives way. All the memory that we are left with is of discontiguous portions of the File name. Under such circumstances, Windows File search utility is slow and throws up menacing number of matching Files. One ends up searching for a File ceaselessly. This is where GetFile will come handy.

GetFile spares you the trouble of remembering and navigating folder and sub-folder hierarchy. It is a cute window at a mere 2.0 x 0.5 inches. It enables for a real quick search of Files. Type whatever you remember of a word or two from the File name. Matching Files refresh and show up in tandem with each character typed. Three to six characters would suffice to reach the File. For example, for a File named 'boca hospital v tenet healthcare.pdf', one may type 'ten care'.

Post-search, GetFile enables instant viewing of the File in its native software. It can also open Explorer pronto with the File in highlight. Another of its feature is instant opening of a New Email with the File already attached to it. Think of the time saved with these features. Indexing takes place at the time of installation of the software and indexing continues by itself after that. This makes the software maintenance free. The software overlays neatly, on other currently open applications on the screen. Happy File searching!

Category: File Search Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 104 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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