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Main » Files » Utilities » Misc Utilities

Advanced Time Control 0.91
03.02.2011, 22:32
Advanced Time Control is a program all parents need if they have children between 5 and 16. The most common danger computer pose to your children is not offensive Internet content, but an addiction to the computer. About 70% of boys with computers and over 30% of girls spend more than 7 hours a day glued to the screen. It is too much to be not harmful to their health. All too often, children work on their computers without taking the breaks they need.You should help children limit these "harmful hours" in order to save their health!

Advanced Time Control lets you specify when exactly your PC can be used, for how long and you can also select users who can use the PC without any limits. An unauthorized user cannot uninstall the product, even if the user is a computer wiz! At the same time, the program can easily be disabled or uninstalled by an authorized user.

Category: Misc Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 75 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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