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Main » Files » Utilities » Misc Utilities

App Killer 1.1.1
03.02.2011, 23:01
A powerful, easy-to-use add-on for Windows. It allows you to selectively kill programs and processes. The App Killer log will let you know which programs terminated cleanly, which ones won't close willingly, and can force these programs to close after a user-specified waiting period. App Killer is User Profile aware. Each user can have their own default options and settings, or App Killer can be configured to have all users use the same settings. Do you need to automatically kill one program before running another one? App Killer is your answer. Are you having problems shutting Windows down and need to find out which application or process is causing you problems? App Killer can help.

Category: Misc Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 65 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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