* allow full-control over the copying/moving process by pause, resume, restart and cancel features
* fully customizable - over 40 detailed options - from setting language (english and polish) through auto-resume on error, shutting down system after copying finished to very detailed and technical (customizing copy/move thread - buffer sizes, thread priority, ...) ending on sounds on specific events
* provides detailed informations about copy/move process (currect file, buffer sizes, priority, progress by size and visual bar, status, current and average speed, time elapsed/left, ...)
* auto resume all unfinished operations when system starts
* limiting count of simultaneously processing tasks (copyings/movings) - tasks are set into a queue and are processed in order it was inserted into queue
* integration with system - adds additional commands to context menus of folders and dragdrop menus (Copy by Copy Handler, Move by Copy Handler, Paste (Special) by Copy Handler, ...)
* this program is full freeware - just download and use...