"Easy CurveFit" is a very easy tool to fit curve. Only three steps you should do, and you'll get the fitting curve and the needed parameters. The models include linear and nonlinear.
1. Linear Fit, y=a+bx;
2. Quadratic Fit, y=a+bx+cx^2;
3. Compound Fit, y=ab^x;
4. Logatithmic Fit, y=a+b*ln(x);
5. Exponential Fit, y=a*exp(bx);
6. Power Fit, y=a*x^b;
7. Inverse Fit, y=a+b/x;
8. hyperbola Fit, y=ax/(b+x);
9. Geometric Fit, y=ax^(bx);
10. Geometric Fit, y=ax^(b/x);