English version.
Solves math expressions like: Sin(Pi)-Root(-8;3)+3
Creates user's functions (e.g. surfaces, volumes, and so on). Publishes in Internet. Receives from Internet.
Program shows position of bugs in math expression made by user. Descriptions of bugs help solve a problem.
Prompter shows functions, variables, constants. Simply press SPACE key.
Exchange rates table and currency converter are update from Internet by one click.
Units converter makes easier to convert various units.
14 categories of units: length, temperature, pressure and so on.
Creates user's variables.
Numeral systems: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal.
Measures of angle: radian, degree, gradus.
5 sets of keyboards configured ba a user.
3 calculators - user can calculate three various math expressions.
Button Undo and Redo.
History of math expressions.
Comprehensive Help.