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Main » Files » Utilities » Misc Utilities

najitool GUI
04.02.2011, 08:01
naji_gui is a "User Friendly" GUI (Graphical User Interface) implementation of najitool, a program full of functions which generate, convert, filter, and encrypt files. It also has a lot of other miscellaneous functions, such as an Arabic to English letters and vice versa transliteration system, it has programming functions like bin2c which makes a compileable source code file out of any file, like picture files for use in a C program. naji_gui is Public Domain, completely free without any restrictions and with full source code.

naji_gui can generate:
- A list of numbers in English or Turkish words from 1 to 9999
- HTML pages with every possible Unicode letter/symbol
- Preprogrammed .BMP pictures, nice for wallpaper
- Big ASCII art sentences
- Multiplication squares
- Random character text files (useful for secure passwords)

naji_gui can convert:
- UNIX to DOS/Windows text format and vice versa
- Tabs to spaces
- Text to HTML

naji_gui can filter:
- Make a copy of a file skipping specified characters
- Make a copy of a file using only specified characters

naji_gui can also:
- Flip every bit in every byte of a file (0's to 1's and 1's to 0's)
- Dump files in hexidecimal
- Count words in a file
- Compare files
- Reverse files
- Split files
- Join files

naji_gui has:
- two secure file deletion functions
- two file encryption functions

And a lot more, enjoy!

Category: Misc Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 46 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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