Many people all over the world require a solution to check whether the textual material they have is an original one. This problem is the result of the World Wide Web spreading its digital information powers.
When You ask a person to make a creative report You can never be absolutely sure if they will not copy-paste it from some topically relative web-site. Copy-pasting is much easier than creative work, so the temptation to cheat is close to unbreakable.
This becomes a crucial problem for business and education. There exists no teacher who likes to read plagiarized essays; there is no editor to publish a stolen article. Unoriginal content is banned by all search engines...
We provide the most competitive solution:
1. Simple. Really simple User Interface! You will easily grasp the way it works!
2. Supports Batch document processing!
3. Plagiarism-Detector has superb interactive visual logs created on HTML and JavaScript technologies.
2. Plagiarism-Detector has an open framework - transparent technology - we explain how we do the analysis step by step and why we outperform our competitors.
3. No recurrent fees. It is one time payment. You pay only for a working thing - and it will serve You every time You need.
4. No 3rd party's databases involved. Only You, the Text and the Google.