Quick Feng Shui KUA Fortune Teller by AstrOccult.net is a handy software tool to calculate instantly Feng Shui KUA number. The Kua number is an integral part of 8 Mansions Feng Shui. It is calculated using one's date of birth and gender. It gives the knowledge of auspicious and inauspicious directions for a person. According to Feng Shui, each person has 4 good directions and 4 bad directions which are based on one's Kua number. Using your lucky feng shui directions in most situations help you attract the feng shui energy which is most beneficial for you. The knowledge of your KUA number and lucky directions can help you achieve success and happiness in your life. To discover your auspicious directions and how to use them, you first need to calculate your Kua Number.
Quick Feng Shui KUA Fortune Teller instantly calculates your personal KUA number. All you have to do is to enter your date of birth and gender and press the button and your personal KUA number with your group is displayed immediately. The software tells you your auspicious and inauspicious directions. It explains how to judiciously use this knowledge to your advantage.
Quick Feng Shui KUA Fortune Teller Features include :
Instant calculation of KUA number and group.
Information on 4 lucky / auspicious / good directions.
Information on your 4 unlucky / inauspicious / bad directions.
Explanation of personal directions with appropriate advice to judiciously use this knowledge.
Information on what KUA number is.
Explanation of the method to calculate KUA number.
Quick Feng Shui KUA Fortune Teller is useful for feng shui enthusiasts, experts and just about anybody interested in practical feng shui.