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Main » Files » Utilities » Password Management Utilities

KRyLack Password Decryptor 2.20
04.02.2011, 06:04
Windows stores your frequently used passwords, such as the passwords in Outlook Express email or for an FTP connection. But since you no longer enter the saved passwords manually, you often tend to forget them. The password is staring right at you, but it's hiding behind a row of asterisks - ****. This feature is intended to protect your passwords; but sometimes this feature becomes more of a nuisance, rather than a benefit.
KRyLack Password Decryptor is a program that lets you see the actual password behind the asterisks! It can recover passwords to programs such as Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express, The BAT! and other e-mail clients, FTP clients such as CuteFTP, FlashFXP, etc. Microsoft Internet Explorer password recovery support.

Category: Password Management Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 106 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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