Password Generator allows to generate any quantity of passwords with one mouse click. Using Password Generator you do not have to think out new passwords. Password Generator will do it instead of you.
Password Generator is easy to use and does not need install/uninstall feature. Also it does not change the Windows registry.
Password Generator is a freeware product. You may distribute unlimited copies of this program in its original form to any legal place unless we notify you otherwise.
Main features:
- Generating passwords 1-24 symbols in length.
- Ability to exclude dubeous symbols (1, l, O, 0 etc.).
- Including special symbols (@, !, #, etc.) into the password.
- Composing password using only symbols you listed in the 'other symbols' field.
- Conditioning the password pronouncing by adding vowels using special algorithm.
- Ability to test passwords.
- Ability to save to the text file or to copy to the clipboard one password or a password list.
- Easy to use.
- Small size.
- Freeware.