Setup Studio is an automated installation system for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
It installs the PC in exactly the same manner as you would, but the installation is fully automated and doesn't require your presence. Using Setup Studio saves a significant amount of your time and effort.
You can benefit the most from using Setup studio's installation system
1) When you buy a new computer that would require the tedious task of complete manual installation. With Setup Studio, you can not only do a clean customized installation according to your needs, but also transfer various data from the old to the new computer very easily.
1) When you are changing and upgrading you hardware frequently.
2) When you want to keep your system in top shape while at the same time you frequently evaluate new programs, change the PC configuration quickly resulting in deteriorated PC performance.
3) When you are installing PC's as your daily occupation. You just practically create an ultimate installation project and use it repetitively on as many computers as needed without any significant effort.
4) When you want to maintain consistency and reliability in your small business or organization environment , that uses different hardware configurations at the same time.
5) When you experience a HDD crash and have to change the hard drive. You just boot the project media and let the system install itself automatically.
Since Setup Studio installs everything from service packs, security patches, drivers, programs, configures the PC and even provides an unusual expert level tweaking. Therefore, it is a very comfortable way of managing your home or corporate Windows installations.