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Main » Files » Utilities » System Maintenance and Repair Utilities

WUtooL 1.16
05.02.2011, 00:45
WUtooL is a small handy addition to system utility Windows Update.
The program controls download and stores updates to hard drive for subsequent use.
By WUtooL you can create and install update packs, work with command-line flags, etc.
WUtooL will considerably reduce the amount of time and Internet traffic that you spare on updating Windows.
No installation required.

For Windows XP SP2 users !
Microsoft has considerably changed updating routine, so you can't save hotfixes by WUtooL 1.15 and earlier. The new version of program, WUtooL 1.16 solves this task. Using this utility is the most convenient way to save updates that you download.

Category: System Maintenance and Repair Utilities | Added by: File-Post
Views: 110 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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