A very useful utility for those of you who wish to collect text-based data from the Web and deliver it to either a word-processor, database or similar application. Once youve saved your data from any browser, you load it directly into Web Stripper. The file, or files, are shown in the fully-editable data window. Then youre ready to get into some serious stripping. Naturally, Web Stripper removes HTML code from your data, but it can also (optionally) remove all, or extra, blank lines and trim out unnecessary spaces fromthe beginning of lines. The data window is a fully-featured text editor. It enables you to make any necessary changes by hand, before saving the text file or moving on to thedatabase orientated features. Before turning text into data its sometimes necessary to make some changes to the text. The Add to Lines and Delete Line dialog boxes enable you to perform a wide range of intelligent functions to your data. Converting Text to Data is probably the mostastonishing feature of Web Stripper. It enables you toturn raw text, formatted with one field per line, into fully character delimited data. This type of file may be loaded directly into any database application. All of this is wrapped up in a powerful graphics user interface, making any task you want to perform with Web Stripper a breeze.