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Main » Files » Web Authoring » Misc Web Authoring Tools

Apefly 1.0
02.02.2011, 06:40
Apefly started out as an Online/JavaScript based web page generator. I quickly discovered that its ability to create clean and valid XHTML/CSS web pages could be enhanced by developing a software counterpart that would rely on the same foundation of Cascading Style Sheets, while including a few additional and unique features. Other uses besides generating web pages...
* The ability to manage content created with Apefly.
* The ability to add special "content key comments" to any Html Document that could then be opened and edited with Apefly.
* The ability to add custom Css to the list of optional styles when generating web page.
* The ability to open any Css and an associated Html Document, which could then be edited and directly previewed (useful for testing or basic editing of Css with the luxury of an instant preview).
* The ability to Batch Replace menus and sub menus in any Html Document created with Apefly, or, that have the special "menu key comments."
* Most of all, I believe Apefly could be an excellent learning tool for those just starting out with Html and Css.
In short, Apefly is a web page generator... first and foremost. It gives you the ability to create simple, yet fully functional, web pages without the need to know anything more than html basics (very basic).

Category: Misc Web Authoring Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 74 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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