CatsCradle is written for language translators - a dedicated program that makes it very easy to translate web pages from one language into another. If you've translated web sites before using a visual web design package or conventional text editor, then by the end of the project you may have encountered some of the following problems: 'Hidden text that wasn't displayed so got missed, text that you can see - but can't seem to edit, fonts and colours that changed, hyperlinks that stopped working or got typed over, scrambled formatting and page layout ...and lots of time spent trying to sort it all out - when all you wanted to do was translate.' - If any of those sound familiar, then here?s the answer: CatsCradle grabs all the text that requires translating from a web page, puts it into a built in editor for you to translate alongside, then automatically integrates your translated text back into the web page - leaving all the sensitive HTML code untouched.