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 Launched in the summer of 2009, Google Translator Toolkit is a a??powerful but easy-to-use editor that enables translators to bring that human touch to machine translation.a?? To make the translatorsa?? job a bit easier, the development team at... |
 The great news for game loving Palm customers is that 7 new 3D games have been introduced to the Palm App Catalog. The 7 new games I am talking about are... |
 Push Notification is a feature of the iPhone OS that delivers Facebook notifications to iPhone users, regardless of the fact that the Facebook for iPhone app is not running at the time. For example if... |
 Each second Tuesday of each month, Redmond-based software giant Microsoft releases patches and fixes for its products, as part of what has become known as the Patch Tuesday program. For the... |
 The Nexus One is the first smartphone to be created by Mountain View-based search engine giant Google. Wea??ve known about the Nexus One ever since Google confirmed it is testing the device internally... |
 The next iteration of the Office productivity suite, Office 2010, has yet to be released as a final, stable version - just this November the Beta version of Office 2010 was released to the public, the final version is expected to... |
 Quite a big change has occurred at Opera Software, the company that we all know for making the Opera 10, Opera Mobile 10 and Opera Mini 5 web browser. After spending the past 15 years as the companya??s CEO, Jon von Tetzchner has... |
 The Mozilla Foundation has updated its Firefox browser to version 3.5.7. This update is meant to make the software a more stable platform as well as a safer platform. In this regard the recently released Firefox 3.5.7 update fixes... |
 Let me start off by wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Hope you had a blast during the winter holidays. Fresh into 2010, some of the biggest names in the software world have a few surprises for you... |
 In the summer of 2009, Mountain View-based search engine giant Google announced that it plans to roll out an operating system called Chrome OS. The operating system, a natural extension of the Chrome browser, would serve the... |