20th Century-Fox Not Worried about Losing Money to Avatar Piracy
One of the most anticipated movies of the year is James Cameron’s Avatar, the story of a paraplegic soldier that finds himself in a struggle between following his commander’s orders and protecting the world of the Na’vi, the humanoid race that inhabits a distant planet called Pandora. Released only a few days ago, Avatar made quit a splash – this Friday it raked up $27 million at the box office and who knows how much that figure went up after this weekend.
Being such a highly anticipated, action packed movie, it was only a matter of time until Avatar would show up on torrent sites. According to TorrentFreak, James Cameron’s latest work is not only available on torrent sites, it is one of the most sought-after downloads.
“There are always those that either don’t have the money or easily succumb to the temptation. These people have been feverishly hitting BitTorrent and according to data collected by TorrentFreak, thus far Avatar has clocked up around 500,000 downloads in just two days,” explained TorrentFreak.
The interesting thing is that the Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, is not getting all hyped up about this leak. When blockbuster movies get leaked to torrent sites they usually get all hyper and most times the feds are called in to look into the matter. But this time the corporation is taking the news very well and for one simple reason: 3D. You will get the best Avatar experience if you go and see the 3D version – seeing a regular 2D version, and a shady one at that, is not exactly a slice of heaven. For that reason Fox is confident that “piracy will play a much smaller role in stealing profits from [Avatar]” said on behalf of Fox, Eden Wright.
If you haven’t seen Avatar yet and you plan to do so soon, be warned that the movie is quite long. You would hate it if you had to run to the bathroom and miss something interesting. So take a look at the RunPee site – and the RunPee iPhone app.